Today we are going to have a look at different Horizontal News Ticker’s using css3 And Jquery that can be implemented straight on your blog.News ticker’s are also referred as Scrolling text or Marquee text effects.For people wondering what are they check out below they are very familiar to all of us.I have collected some of the best News Tickers available with their Sources And Download Files.
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1.Smooth CSS3 ticker jQuery plugin is a beautiful News ticker inherited from 24 Hour news channel.
- Check out the original Tutorial for different options available and an interesting story about this ticker.
2.Javascript News Ticker (outdated)
3.News Ticker in 4 lines of jQuery
There are a lot of different jQuery News Ticker plugins with lot of options that you can use. Do you want to learn how to create one on your own in only 4 lines od jQuery code ?
Check out the original article for more Demo’s and Downloads
4.Featurify Marquee jQuery plugin!
Extremely easy to use jquery plugin that allows you to create simple slider with auto playing and hover managing.
- My Favorite so far.
- Check out the original article for more Demo’s and Download
5.Simple Jquery Ticker using Jquery
This plugin is very simple, all it does is takes an unordered list with child li’s and hide all but the first list item and then rotate each list item on a set interval of time
Check Out Original article
6.CSS3 Marquee Ticker
This one is purely done with just css3 styling, but only for Safari, Chrome and Firefox 5+ at the moment.
- Check out the Original article
7.Code Canyon Javascript Scrolling Ticker
A jQuery based scrolling ticker for displaying real time updates from a twitter account.
Scalable width for easy integration with your specific application.
Includes a sleek, low-profile default style. Easily customizable by enabling the the “tickerOnly” option.
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Live Preview

7.1 Jnews Ticker
jNewsticker is about giving you choice. Out of the box, it comes with three styles of news ticker:Fade between news items (one is displayed at a time)Continuously scroll between news items Reveal news items, one character at a time (also known as the typewriter effect)And if you understand Javascript and jQuery, you can create your own news ticker styles to sit on top of jNewsticker.

8.Other Resources
Any help or confusion regarding implementation,you can surely drop down a comment with your queries 🙂
Great list you’ve managed to pull out there. Nice to see that something I’ve created works out so well for you; whilst still being simple & effective.
Thanks A lot @google-22dd350540814e5e034daf27119c8f7b:disqus and great ticker.