New Jquery Plugins 2012

After my last article 17 Unforgettable Jquery plugin Round Ups 2011 , let us take a look at some of the best and innovative jQuery plugins of 2012 probably.
New version of unforgettable Jquery plugins is available.Click here to open in new tab while to check out this one.

Creating “Next Level” Search Form Using jQuery & CSS3
Lately we found ton of new style search form crafted beautifully using CSS3 and JavaScript. Apple’s for example, widen the input field when it receive focus from user. The question is “how far we can go for styling search form?”

jQuery and CSS3 Sliding Horizontal Parallax

Sequence is the jQuery slider plugin with infinite style. It provides the complete functionality for a website slider without forcing you to use a set theme. In fact, Sequence has no in-built theme, leaving you complete creative control to build a unique slider using only CSS3 — no jQuery knowledge required!

Slide wooden blocks into place to fill letters
It’s the digital version of a puzzle that allows you to slide wooden blocks into place to fill letters. When you click on a block it slides down, and if you click it again it slides back up.

Isometric interactive interior guide
During browsing internet, I have noticed new interesting thing – it looked like isometric guide. Today I will show you how you can create something similar. We will create isometric interactive interior guide with CSS3 and jQuery. 

Jmpress.js to build a website on the infinite canvas
A jQuery port of impress.js based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind

Jquery Scroll Path

It lets you define a custom path for the window to follow when scrolling up and down, and you can also throw rotations into the mix. You draw the path with methods that work exactly the same way as the canvas methods for drawing lines and arcs.

A jQuery plugin that allows you to display list items in a similar way like a iPhone home screen. If item count exceeds the displayed items on one screen, users can swipe through screens.

The script splits headlines into rows before resizing each row to fill the available horizontal space. The ideal number of characters to set on each row is calculated by dividing the available width by the CSS font-size – the script then uses this ideal character count to split the headline into word combinations that are displayed as separate rows of text.

Minimit Gallery
It is a highly customizable, library agnostic plugin that does galleries, slideshows, carousels, slides… pratically everything that has multiple states, in less than 10KB.rcarousel – a continuous jQuery UI carousel

Page Scroller
It is a powerful JavaScript based smooth scrolling navigation system that utilizes the robust jQuery library. Created entirely with ease of use in mind, the plugin will work on any website. 

Hover Card
A free light weight jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link, or any html element of your choice.

Layer Slider The Parallax Effect Slider (Must check effects)
This is a jQuery content slider using the parallax-effect. You can create as many layers and sublayers as you want. You can use images or any other HTML elements, including Flash movies as layers. The script is very user-friendly, you can add global settings or local (per slide) settings to each layer or sublayer. You can change delay times, easing types, durations and much more.

is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5.

Color Thief
A script for grabbing the dominant color or color palette from an image. Uses Javascript and the canvas tag to make it happen.

youRhere jQuery plugin – Help your readers read!
“youRhere” is a great Chrome extension which give you a chance to mark your article reading- progress by just clicking it.

Fast and Simple Links Box Navigation Menu: BoxyMenu
BoxyMenu is a simple and fast navigation menu plugin that renders smoothly in all major web browsers. It is simple to customize and can be plugged in to any website or web application.

Blur (Must Check)
blur.js is a jQuery plugin that produces psuedo-transparent  blurred elements over other elements.

Metro JS
Metro JS is a JavaScript plugin for jQuery developed to easily enable Metro interfaces on the web. This release focuses on Live Tiles, the Application Bar and Theming. It’s early in the development phase, but all features should work on at least IE7+(Win/WinPhone), Firefox, Chrome, Android, Opera, and Safari(OSX/iOS).

Adipoli jQuery Image Hover Plugin
Adipoli is a simple jQuery plugin used to bring stylish image hover effects.
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Aakash Doshi
Bachelor's in Computer Science, NMIMS UNIVERSITY Currently Working as a Software Specialist in eClinicalWorks (Number 1 Electronic Medical Record Software Provider in USA). A web Addict and a Hardcore Gamer, Dreaming of "The Next Big Thing !"

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