9 Amazing Things You Can Do With Google

#1.Google Image Search Drag and Drop Suppose you have an image,and you want to find out the author and other sizes available for use.The question is...

How to Stay Away from the Summer Heat

As the mercury tiptoes in this Summer Heat, it gets really difficult to plan anything other than coiling up inside the air-conditioned room or...

Dataset Search Engine by Google, know everything about it

Recently, Google has launched a new feature named “Dataset Search”. It allows searchers to find datasets on many topics across various disciplines including government...

Facebook for Creators – New Community for Video Lovers

We all have been using video channel websites all these days. YouTube.com is one of them & Its most popular. People upload their videos...

How to Turn Your Blog Post Into A Video

If you have an awesome blog and want to create a video to share with the world you should probably try Wibbitz. It says...

Do you need a Digital Detox cation ?

Do you check your phone before sleeping and as you wake up in the morning? Are you hooked over your laptop the entire Day?...
how to copy multiple text

How To Copy-Paste Multiple Text And Images with ClipX

Being a editor and designer I always need a clip-board which can track all my text's and images and which allows me to access...