You might Google thousand’s of Do’s and Don’t about blogging and website but these are some real facts that many bloggers don’t realize.So i thought of sharing those facts some are really funny but hundred percent true.
The Don’ts
1.Don’t install Wibiya or Apture Toolbar on your Blog.It Definitely look awesome for sometime but later it will become irritating for many visitor’s including yourself !
2.Don’t add a floating share-bar widget on your blog’s main page that follow visitor’s when they scroll down and for God’s sake don’t add a flying twitter bird to your blog, I was literally scared of that bird check it out here !
Visitor’s 1st Time :Wow a cute Bird !
3rd Time: F*** you Bird stop following me!
And your visitor might fly away as well 😀
3.Don’t place any kind of Advertisements in Between your Blog post’s,Specially those text Advertisements that pop’s up when you hover your cursor.

4.Don’t chase other fellow blogger’s or friends to like your Facebook fan page and Share the article’s.If someone really liked your article they will definitely share it via various medium’s.
5.Don’t place to much of animations on your blog or website.For example dont change your cursor to Superman or Banana.

5.Don’t place to much of animations on your blog or website.For example dont change your cursor to Superman or Banana.
Or Flashy Ad’s that blink in funky colors are big turn off’s too.
6.Don’t buy Weird domain name’s like | | please check for Spellings and combinations else you might end up like below 😀

7.Don’t Do these,If You Do I Hate you.Please don’t comment if you don’t mean it and just want to drop a link with a comment 🙁
Comment From susshipussy | 4 Likes received | Subscribe |

8.Don’t overdo with sidebars and plugins, to many plugins makes your blog load slowly.Place all your javascript’s at the end of the tag which will allow your site to load first and then your plugins.
9.Don’t be a serious and boring blogger.Its good to include humour in your blog post.

10.Don’t Copy and Paste.Many beginner blogger do so,it will seriously affect you later. Of course you can manipulate into your own words and make it more interesting and simple.You will know how hard and long it takes to write an original contents,and then someone copies exactly the same.

11.Don’t create blog on following subject’s :
Wallpapers|Mobile|Porn|Gadgets| because people Google these things and you will face lots of competition and you will end up nowhere,until and unless you are an artist,engineer,works for pornography or have developed your own gadget and have your own original contents.Conditions Apply* 😀
12.Don’t choose the template which is being downloaded by most of the users.It may be possible that you might end up with your twin blog 😀

13.Don’t create blog or website with this page..
![]() |
Image source : theoatmeal |
14.Don’t forget to submit your blog/website to other hundred’s of search engines.Yes,Google is not the only search engine, there are others as well ! o.O
Last but not least
15.Don’t follow How to popularise a blog? 😀
The Do’s
Follow the Don’ts and Google the Do’s there are thousands of them available.I cannot think of other’s than those 🙂
Do you have any more Do’s And Don’t of Blogging ? Comment 🙂