With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, the stores, malls, complexes gets flooded with chocolates, candy hearts, stuffed toys, greeting cards, and many gift items. But not every country turns out to the exchange of gifts, greeting cards, and roses to express their love. Some exchange wooden spoons, pressed flowers while some take a walk to the forest to profess love. Different countries follow their unique customs and traditions when it comes to Valentine’s Day celebration. It’s pretty fascinating to see how one fest is celebrated differently all over the world.
Let’s see how these countries celebrate this day of love in their own style.
It is said that that first-ever Valentine’s Day was created in France, when Charles, The Duke of Orleans, sent love letters to his wife from the prison in 1415. With this, the people of France started celebrating Valentine’s Day. The French village called “Valentine” turns into a place of romance between 12th to 14th February. The yards and trees are fully decorated with fairy lights and homes are decked with love cards, roses, marriage flake proposals. One can say it’s one of the most beautiful Valentine’s Day tradition around the world.
South Korea
The couples in South Korea celebrate their love 14th of each month. Now, this is interesting, right? They celebrate “Rose Day” on 14th May, “Kiss Day” on 14th June, and “Hug Day” in December. They have a tradition where singles wear a black dress and celebrate eating black noodles (jjajang myeon) with their friends in April, hence the day is known as “Black Day”. And like in many other countries, people in South Korea also exchange gifts, flowers, chocolates with their loved ones.
Denmark celebrates the day of love and romance with a twist. People in Denmark believe that Valentine’s Day is a day of love, so it’s not only about lovers, it’s also about friends and family. And this special day is just not limited to the exchange of gifts, roses, and chocolates. People who celebrate Valentine’s Day in Denmark exchange handmade cards with pressed white flowers, called snowdrops.
Adorable, right?
The Valentine’s Day celebration gets as sweet as chocolates in Japan. Japan has a very fascinating Valentine’s Day tradition. The girls give chocolates to the guys and these chocolates are divided into categories. If a girl gives “Giri Choco” to her male friend, colleague or supervisor, it means she is giving these chocolates as an obligation with no romantic association. On the other hand, if a girl gives “Honmei Choco” with a handmade gift, it implies she has some other kind of affection towards that guy.
However, the guy does not give anything in return on that day. He has to return the gift with chocolates and other gifts after a month that is, on March 14, known as “White Day”. Guys, you get an ample time to celebrate: P
The Valentine’s Day in Germany has become popular recently. The locals celebrate it with great enthusiasm. The couples exchange flowers, chocolates, heart-shaped gifts and other gifts with something special. You will be either surprised or shocked when you will read what that special thing is.
It’s a pig!
Yes, you read it right! Germans believe pig represents luck and lust, and it can be given in a picture form, a small miniature statue, and chocolates in the shape of a pig or anything that is suitable. Also, Germans prepare heart-shaped ginger cookies to give their loved ones which contains romantic phrases and messages.

Taiwan is famous for its flowers and if flowers are said to be romantic, Taiwan celebrates the most romantic Valentine’s Day in the world. They celebrate the day of love twice a year: 14th February and 7th July.
According to Taiwanese tradition, the color and number of roses represent a message for their loved ones. For example, a red rose signifies only “love”, ninety-nine red roses indicates “love forever”, and one hundred and eight roses pop up the question, “Will you marry me”?
So, ready to celebrate Valentine’s this year with Taiwanese Tradition? If yes, think carefully before giving out the roses: P

Originally, Italians used to celebrate Valentine’s Day as the Spring Festival. Everyone used to gather in the gardens and enjoy poetry reading before taking a stroll with their beloved.
Italians even had another intriguing Valentine’s Day tradition for young and unmarried girls. The belief was that the first man an unmarried girl saw after waking up in the morning would be the man whom she would marry within a year. This is a little weird, but yes, it was a tradition and people followed it whole-heartedly.
Today, Italians celebrate Valentine’s Day similar to that of many other countries with exchanging of gifts and followed by a romantic dinner. The most popular Valentine gift is “Baci Perugina”, hazelnuts covered with chocolate, wrapped with romantic quotes in four different languages. This gift is a must on Valentine’s Day if you really want to woo your partner.
South Africa
South Africa celebrates Valentine’s Day with flowers and other tokens of love. But, the tradition does not end here, it has a twist. The women in South Africa wear heart-shaped paper and pin it on their sleeves with the names of their love interest. This is an ancient Roman tradition known as “Lupercalia”. And this is also one of the ways South African men learn of their secret admirers. Interesting, isn’t it?
Don’t you think if you are celebrating Valentine’s this year, you should make it a special one by following some different tradition? Think over it, your partner will surely love it. Celebrate in a unique style and surprise your partner!
So, which tradition are you going to follow this year?