How to Turn Your Blog Post Into A Video


If you have an awesome blog and want to create a video to share with the world you should probably try Wibbitz. It says that “Most of the content being produced on the internet is text, a lot of text. With this huge overload of text content, it becomes increasingly difficult task to keep all your reader’s engaged on all devices. Wibbitz is a text to video platform that creates highly engaged and monetized video that can be watched on any devices.”

Basically, the idea behind wibbitz is to crawl your website and get all the recently published article and extracts important text details then converts them to video for your visitors to hear the updates.

Here is the video of latest updates on Amazingthings made by Wibbitz.


1.Just enter your email and site’s URL, then click Create your Clip and your Video Clip is READY!

2.Every Post is linked to your website’s URL. So when visitors click any of the post in video it redirects it to that actual page.

3.Ready Embed Code

4.Developed using HTML5, it can be watched on any devices such as Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops.


1.There are not many customizable options to choose from as you can see. 

2.You can’t actually tailor which post to get featured in the video.

3.You cannot input your own voice.

4.Cannot Translate Symbols such as Slash(/), Apostrophe(“” ‘), and other Special character’s

5.No Forward/Backward play button 

Overall Wibbitz is quick and easy to use and can help you to create videos for your latest updates.Want to know more about Wibbitz click here.

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Aakash Doshi
Bachelor's in Computer Science, NMIMS UNIVERSITY Currently Working as a Software Specialist in eClinicalWorks (Number 1 Electronic Medical Record Software Provider in USA). A web Addict and a Hardcore Gamer, Dreaming of "The Next Big Thing !"

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